Chain of Command

DoDEA's official photo of Dr. Jacquelyn Koenig.

Dr. Jacquelyn Koenig

Unit 28040
APO, AE 09112-9001
United States

+49 (0)611-143-545-2122

School Contacts

Name Position Phone
Athletic Director Athletic Director +49 (0)611-143-545-2122
Erin Colgan School Nurse +49 (0)611-143-545-2122 Ext. 7407
Mary Corrigan School Counselor (Alpha A-L) +49 (0)611-143-545-2122 Ext. 7436
Kiersten Crenshaw Registrar +49 (0)611-143-545-2122 Ext. 7402
Anthony Devine Information Specialist Teacher Librarian +49 (0)611-143-545-2122
Educational Technologist Educational Technologist +49 (0)611-143-545-2122 Ext. 7422
Elisa Lovorn School Psychologist +49 (0)611-143-545-2122
Akierra Mason Attendance +49 (0)611-143-545-2122 Ext. 7471
James Moss Transportation Program Assistant (Student Transportation) +49 (0)611-143-545-2122 Ext. 7455
Ruslana Muzzy School Liaison +49 (0)9641-70-526-9042
Erica Roman School Secretary +49 (0)611-143-545-2122 Ext. 7403
School Meals Program School Meals Program +49 (0)611-143-545-2122
Janet Sprague School Counselor (Alpha M-Z) +49 (0)611-143-545-2122 Ext. 7405
School Webmaster School Webmaster +49 (0)611-143-545-2122
Michele Wolff Administrative Officer +49 (0)611-143-545-2122 Ext. 7441

School Hours

Regular Hours Office Hours Summer Hours
8:20 a.m. - 3 p.m. 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Mon.-Weds., Fri. Monday - Friday Monday - Friday

Thursdays are Early Release days (8:20 a.m. - 2 p.m.)

It is the responsibility of the parents or guardians to notify the school each time a student is absent. If you expect your student to be absent on a school day, please send an e-mail to the Attendance mailbox located on the right hand side of this page or call CIV: 06111-43-545-2122.

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